The reviews are hot for Hotshot. From the biggest publications on the planet, like the Chicago Tribune, to the top cinema camera company in Hollywood, to indie film darlings like Film Threat, the reviews for Hotshot have been universally overwhelming. We don't have some big PR firm pulling strings...check out the amazing 100% organic reviews!
The Chicago Tribune
Hotshot "reveals the frightening front lines of wildfires." In ink on the Sunday edition of the Chicago Tribune, penned by Rick Kogan. Read the full article.
Rolling Stone
"What Hotshot reveals about the life of California wildland firefighters" Read the full article.
The Epoch Times
"A prophetic and alarming warning bell"
RED Digital Cinema
RED HOT: "The extraordinary Hotshot, a raw, first-person perspective documentary shot with unprecedented access on the fireline and fueled by terrifying and stunning footage. Read the full article.
Film Threat
"Gabriel Kirkpatrick Mann’s documentary on Hotshots, or forestry technicians, is never far from fire for much of its running time. And the footage he captures is really out of this world." Read the full article.